The plant that is synonymous with Christmas – it’s time for poinsettias! We love their full shape and striking red leaves. This year we’ve seen beautiful variations in color from magenta pink to a “watercolor” look of pink and white and tried-and-true ivory whites. With their fragile stems, poinsettias need to be carefully cared for. Keep reading for our tips for successful growing.
- Poinsettias cannot be placed in direct sunlight.
- Protect them by bringing them inside during temperatures below 37 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Indoor poinsettias should be kept away from working fireplaces, AC/heat vents and floor heaters.
- Always use caution when when moving or handling them as their stems and leaves are very fragile.
- Poinsettias do not like continuously damp soil. Water when soil is dry, and do not let water collect in the foil if wrapped.
- Place out of reach of pets and small children.